Play/Pause Music Rewind Music
895 West Monument Road, Tombstone

Our Favorite Links

Recommendations & Tips

In the following we would like to inform you about offers from friendly people and companies. We feel certain that some of them might be interesting for you.

Our Favorite Links

Horses and Coaches:

Sandra Schneider

Sandra Schneider is working as an independent horse trainer. She received her training license in New Mexico, USA. Sandra is a notable expert in the field of horse communications.

Problem Horse Trainer Frank and his wife will be on the Apache Spirit Ranch in December 2013.

The Perfect Holiday Reading:

Karl May Verlag

If you interested in German literature the Karl May publisher in Bamberg is an ideal place to find Wild West novels.

General Information:

Carpenter from

Our great carpenter from Germany, who made a lot of the Apache Spirit Ranch’s beautiful details possible.

Quick Reservation

Do you want to stay at the Apache Spirit Ranch? Make a quick and easy reservation using our online booking service!

Make a Reservation


We spent 10 days at the ranch, and for us it was the best place ever. Riding every day, good wranglers, good horses, gorgeous place, we can't ask for more…

Claude & Jean-Martin