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895 West Monument Road, Tombstone

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  1. Dee Tallant, Friday January 31st, 2014

    We originally booked 1 night as we were doing some traveling during the Christmas/New Years holiday with no particular destination in mind. I was somewhat apprehensive in doing much more because of the reviews etc. Well, after arriving very late evening we woke up, took a look outside.. and immediately booked 2 more nights. This is a very small, quaint little place that tries to bring its guests a bit of the “Old West” with today’s comforts. All of the rooms are “themed” ie there is a “jail” room and “sheriff” room. We stayed in the “stagecoach” room which was directly across from the main office for check in/saloon/restaurant.

    The hotel normally caters to an overseas clientele who are more accustomed to the “all in one/European” plan concept. That being that all food and activities are included in the cost. They only recently started an “American” plan which is what most of us are accustomed being a separate room and leaving “entertainment” and food up to the individuals either on property or off. This was a great option for us as my husband and I can not do a lot of the horse activities because of weight and health issues.

    As far as what one person negatively reviewed with regards to parking, etc. I really have NO idea what they were talking about. While they do not allow long term parking in the main room area, it is very conveniently located just a very short trip down a small embankment (which is illuminated in the evenings). Also, we were allowed to pull our vehicle right in front of our door for the purpose of loading/unloading. Also, I am sure if you were to ask for assistance, they would oblige but they dont have bell hops or whatever for your bags. Like I said… we pulled our truck up directed to the front door of the room for loading and unloading.

    Their “restaurant” is not so much a restaurant as it an old fashion ranch dining area. Food is served “family style” in that all guests sit at one table but they are individually served portions (in other words not like your home dinner table where everything is in serving bowls and you dish out what you want… it is all brought out to you in courses and just for you) We only had one meal there which was dinner but let me tell you .. it was UNBELIEVABLE. They had the most amazing soup that if I had seen it on a menu I probably wouldnt have selected but when they brought that course out it was fantastic. They served steak that night and it truly was amazing. I would liken the experience to that of a 5 star restaurant without all the nonsense and pretentiousness and more generous portions! Everything is made from scratch.. nothing boxed or previously made and microwaved. They try as much as possible to locally source everything and it definitely shows in the quality and taste. The ONLY down side to eating there is they are very regimented with a specific time for each meal. 8 am for breakfast.. 6 pm for dinner.. etc. oh and not sure what time it is? They ring the “dinner bell/triangle” that can be heard anywhere on the ranch just like they would have in the old days!

    Addressing another issue that was mentioned on here… they have improved their signage but when getting directions use the directions off THEIR site and not google maps/mapquest. Also, it is on a dirt road and this is truly a legitimate working ranch so it is a bit “off the beaten path” but not so much that it is an inconvenience. Downtown Tombstone was at most a 7 minute trip

    The only “fault” or issue we had was our arrival. Being such a small, quaint, almost B & B kinda feel I had forgotten to see if the front desk was 24 hour as we were arriving later than expected because we stopped to do a few things in Tucson. I had tried placing a call to the front desk from my mobile around 8 or 9 pm. No one answered. At that point I was afraid that we would be unable to check in as they had closed but drove all the way out just in case. With the place being so small, them being familiar with all their guests by name etc.. with my family being the only one arriving they sent their front desk clerk home ill and the bartender in the attached saloon was covering. That was more my fault than theirs!

    As if I havent made it clear just how THRILLED we were with our experience… I will say it again… We will DEFINITELY be making another trip down for a little extended weekend getaway because this place was just incredible.

    Dee and William Tallant

  2. Victor, the Netherlands, Monday December 9th, 2013

    We enjoyed our one night stay at the Apache Spirit Ranch very much! Great location, wonderful people. Original place, back to the old times in a non -”kitsch”, special way. Highly recommended!

  3. Heike, Friday December 6th, 2013

    Ein unvergessliches Erlebnis in einer traumhaften Landschaft mit einem netten Team.
    Thank you – Cody and Taz for the great trip and Michelle for your support an all others too.
    Hope, I can come back soon.

  4. Joel und Susi, Wednesday November 27th, 2013

    Wir waren am 22. Oktober 2013 für einen Tag auf der Apache Spirit Ranch in Tombstone. Dann haben wir unsere Reise fortgesetzt. Je weiter wir fuhren desto mehr schwärmten wir von diesem wundervollen Tag auf der Apache Spirit Ranch…bis wir nach zwei Tagen einfach umgedreht haben und den ganzen Weg an einem Stück zurückgefahren sind! Da sind wir dann 5 weitere Tage hängen geblieben und wir wären sicherlich immer noch dort wenn nicht dieser Rückflug gewesen wäre. :-)
    Es war eine wunderbare Zeit und eines der absoluten Highlights unserer fünfwöchigen Reise im Südwesten der USA.
    Das ganze Ranch-Team tat alles dass wir uns so wohl fühlen konnten. Wir haben alle Ausritte sehr genossen, aber das war bei weitem nicht alles!
    Es gab ausserdem immer ein tolles Programm oder Aktivitäten bei denen wir dabei sein durften.
    Ob man dann abends bei einer Tasse Kaffee am Lagerfeuer sitzend den Geschichten von einst lauschte, ob das ein Pokerabend mit Show-Einlage und Schiesserei war, oder ob ein Live Musikabend stattgefunden hat, auf der Apache Spirit Ranch konnten wir den stressigen Alltag total vergessen und wir sind eingetaucht in eine andere Welt….in den wilden Westen!
    Vielen Dank dem ganzen Team für unvergessliche Ferientage…wir planen in Gedanken bereits wieder ….Tage auf der Apache Spirit Ranch.
    Joel & Susi


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Angelika & Albert Hunklinger