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895 West Monument Road, Tombstone
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Springtime Seminars 2013

Sunday November 18th, 2012  —  In the springtime of 2013 we can offer you two special seminars which will lead you to an expansion of consciousness — Here you’ll get more information on how to join our fascinating new seminars!

Raffle — Win a Trip to the Ranch

Tuesday May 15th, 2012  —  Together with the publisher of the beloved German youth novels of Carl May, we've organized a great raffle with amazing prizes! Among other things you can win a trip to the Apache Spirit Ranch or several Karl May books.

Opening of Karl May Museum

Sunday April 1st, 2012  —  Together with the official Karl May Museum in Germany we opened an exhibition in Tombstone. It features information about the novelist, original Native American objects and much more.

Quick Reservation

Do you want to stay at the Apache Spirit Ranch? Make a quick and easy reservation using our online booking service!

Make a Reservation


We spent 10 days at the ranch, and for us it was the best place ever. Riding every day, good wranglers, good horses, gorgeous place, we can't ask for more…

Claude & Jean-Martin